Tim Smith
Jul 6, 2014
Photo: Deer in camp. Highlights: June began with the final few weeks of the spring Wilderness Bushcraft Semester and finished with the Woodsman course. During June we also had our new student cabin and library delivered, making the field school master plan nearly complete. As spring rolled into summer the gardens started producing fresh greens. [...]
Tim Smith
Jun 8, 2014
Photo: Rocket stoves at dusk. Highlights: These are the long, busy days of June. We had a great month and now the wild edibles are really beginning to pop and the fishing is getting good. We’ve got a bunch of garden beds in this year, as well as a variety of fruit trees. The field [...]
Tim Smith
May 12, 2014
Photo: Snow at the field school in late April. Highlights: Since April 20 and until June 21 we’re busy with the spring Wilderness Bushcraft Semester. It’s been a great course so far, but not without it’s weather-imposed challenges. When we started the snowpack on our road was waist deep! But things have warmed up and [...]
Tim Smith
Mar 31, 2014
Photo: Sunset on a chickee in the Everglades. Camp for the night. Highlights: Upon returning from the Boreal Snowshoe Expedition in mid-February, I immediately started packing for the trip south. My departure was delayed by several snow storms, but I made it to Florida and my wife, kids and I had family vacation, after which [...]
Tim Smith
Feb 1, 2014
Highlights: We’re starting February with the School Of The Forest on the first of the month. When the class is over, we’re loading up the truck with sleds, tents, stoves and other gear and heading to the county for the Boreal Snowshoe Expedition. We’ll be in the woods for 2 weeks. When the course ends, [...]
Tim Smith
Jan 8, 2014
Highlights: January is named for the Roman god Janus, often portrayed with two faces; one looking back in contemplation, one looking forward in anticipation. It’s a month where I spend a lot of time in the office planning the details of the coming year, and also looking back at what worked and what needs to [...]
Tim Smith
Dec 4, 2013
Highlights: After a busy season at the field school, returning home to the folk school is wonderful experience. Being surrounded by modern conveniences, electricity; I revel in it for a few days, then, like most modern people, I start to take it for granted. When something is everywhere, is it even possible to appreciate it? [...]