Tim Smith
Aug 24, 2020
Yesterday people trickled into the field school. We enjoyed a campfire and conversations about past experiences, future plans, what they hope to get out of a few months in the woods, etc. This morning the real work starts. The particulars, where all the details matter. A group of future instructors honing their craft. Today it [...]
Tim Smith
Aug 22, 2020
After 12 years of scheming to do so, I finally purchased the remaining 19 acres in the block of land at the field school. This gives us a block of 80 acres and about a half a mile of riverfront on the Aroostook river. Although this area is not being developed and is losing population, [...]
Tim Smith
Aug 21, 2020
It’s been a long, hot summer, as well as a while since I’ve published anything on the web. Lots of changes have happened, and life looks a bit different than it did before starting the spring semester in early May. We had a busy summer of programs, running a Summer Woodsman, Advanced Boreal Summer Survival, [...]