Spring ’18 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester Week 1 | JMB Podcast Episode 35

Laundry day, just wearing long johns

Episode 35 was recorded in the Guide Shack at the field school at the end of week 1 of the spring, 2018 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester. Christopher Russell and I discuss the challenges we faced during the first week (spoiler alert: deep snow), bushcraft as resiliency in a changing world and the new Journeyman certification student workbook. Along the way we talk about the three best teachers, differentiate between a vacation and a training scenario, and how bad weather makes things get real right away.


PHOTO: Alexander Byzantine out for a paddle in his longjohns.

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  • Jim F.

    Great episode gentleman I really enjoyed it.couple things number one who plays the accordion at the beginning of the show and I just wanted to touch base on the term self reliance lotta times we think of Bush craft or I think of it as immersing myself in a lifestyle in a wilderness setting. But we can take skills that we learned in that wilderness setting and apply them to our every day lives whether we live in the city or the country.I really appreciate what you guys are doing enjoy it keep up the good work thanks

  • Thanks Jim. I completely agree about self reliance not being limited to a wilderness setting. If it were limited to that it wouldn’t be that applicable to most people. The accordian music is something I found a while back as a royalty-free loop, although I can’t recall where I found it. Thanks for the comment.

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