Today is halfway day on the spring, 2022 Wilderness Guide Training Semester. The significance of the day is that we’re exactly halfway to the finish line on our 9-week semester. I haven’t been posting much media this course, but to get you up to speed we started in deep snow and a deep freeze, had some late season snowstorms, and by the end of this week it will be in the upper 80’s. It’s odd seeing those temperatures when there are still piles of snow in shady spots in the woods.
Our current push is getting into canoes and getting people comfortable poling and paddling. We’ve been out on the river a lot this week and tomorrow for paddle practice we’ll paddle downriver to Ashland, with a stop an a quick-water stream to work on moving water poling maneuvers.
I had a great honor to be invited as a speaker to the Global Bushcraft Symposium 2022 in July, but as much as I’d love to go I had to say no because I’ll be guiding our 4-week Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester on conflicting dates. While it would be cool, fun, and an honor to go, being out on the rivers of northern Maine for 4 weeks is a pretty solid reason for not going.