From Community to Industry | JMBP-E01

The inaugural episode of the new Jack Mountain Bushcraft Podcast.  I talk about how bushcraft is changing from a community to an industry in North America.  Is it a good thing?

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  • Off to a great start!

  • Thought it was great! In the lightweight movement, gear talk is the rule. Don’t let it get there in bushcraft.

  • Cyberslinger

    I think it is a good ting that actually needs to accelerate rapidly. We are losing park land that is being deemed financially deficit. If more people used them they could self sustain. Bushcraft turns a family trip to the park into a) more than an after th0ught and b)more than just a rare destination outing. It turns it into a purposeful adventure. One that is repetitive. It turns the knowledge of fauna into a field trip. it turns the wilderness into the only classroom that bushcraft can be taught. it. Across the board it turn the wilderness into a destination a significant greater part of the population would go to. With bushcraft who doesn’t, old and young, want to go a cool field trip. And we get to save our parks. my 2cents :)

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