Over the last few months, we’ve been helping to build a research database for a friction fire study. If you’ve been following along with this process, either on our online network at Bushcraftschool.com, or on the School Of The Forest Podcast you’ve seen the basic outline of what our friend Richard is aiming for with his study on the physics of friction fire. We want to build a data set of successes and failures, with as many different combinations of plant species, weather conditions, and ecosystems as we can. This is where you all come in. We’re looking for people that already have a fairly good understanding of fire by friction (Whatever method you use is fine), as that’ll keep the “learning” variable to a minimum. Richard has recorded a quick video in our group for this project, explaining the data collection process, and what you’ll need for that. He does a great job of simplifying this scientific process so that anyone can take part.
If you think this is something you’re interested in taking part in, head over to bushcraftschool.com, look for the “friction fire data collection” group, and start adding to our data. There’s a lot of interesting forces and aspects at play in friction fire, and the more people we have helping, the better we’ll understand those forces.