Shaping a crooked knife
One component of our new Journeyman Bushcraft Instructor And Wilderness Guide Certification Program is the craft benchmarks I’ve written about before. Below is the list of crafts and how many of them need to be completed in order to successfully complete the program. All of the crafts below are taught during the four week immersion phase . Many others are as well, but this list is restricted to only those that will be made successive times following the immersion phase. The principle at work is that only by making more of them are the skills internalized.
This list will likely be slightly adapted leading up to and during the course, but this is the general outline.
Craft | Minimum Number Completed |
Working Bow Drill Set | 8 |
Working Hand Drill Set | 8 |
Working Bucksaw | 5 |
Canoe Paddle | 2 |
Quickie Bow | 2 |
Net Bag | 3 |
Netting Needls And Gauge | 5 |
Hammock | 1 |
4′ x 10′ Gill Net | 1 |
Half Round Basket | 3 |
Crooked Knife | 2 |
Canoe Pole | 1 |
Axe Handle | 1 |
Spoon | 3 |
Burned Bowl | 2 |
Birch Bark Basket | 3 |
Natural Fiber Cordage | 20′ |