Maybe the rest of the world is catching on. Here’s a link to an article about the use of human urine as fertilizer to contribute to food security:
From the article, :”Urine contains nitrogen and phosphorus, two essential nutrients for plant growth. Urine can thus serve as an almost cost-free and locally available nutrient resource for agriculture… New innovations often require change in behavior, habits, and/or incur transaction costs.”
I’m not sure what the transaction costs are, but I completely understand the need for a change in behavior and habits. If this is a new concept for you, read the Humanure Handbook. It’s simple, inexpensive, scalable, and when well-managed, it just works. I’m on year 28 of implementing it. It does take some work, but pouring diluted urine on plants you want to thrive takes no management, just a willingness to change habits and implement a better system.
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