New Knife Recommendation: MoraKniv 106

Mora #106 with a leather sheath

For about 20 years I have recommended the Mora Classic #2 for courses. After using a different knife for the past four years I think it’s time to update my recommendation to be inline with what I use on a daily basis; The Morakniv Wood Carving Knife 106.

The Mora 106 is a smaller carving knife with a pointed tip. Most of the Morakniv knives have the same angle of bevel on the blades, so the various models have a very similar feel when carving with them. The differences are in the blade size and shape and style and material of the handle. I like the 106 because it excels at fine carving, with the thin tip able to get into smaller spaces than the larger Classic #2. The smaller blade also excels at cleaning fish and game.

Rather than a standalone tool, I think of the knife as part of a broader tool kit, allowing you to process the forest resources you encounter. On courses and on expeditions with us, you are rarely, if ever, without an axe. I think of the axe as the big tool that gets big work done, from putting up firewood to removing excess wood for crafts. From this perspective and with this tool kit, the knife is a fine woodworking tool, not a large chopping tool. I realize that there are a variety of thoughts on this matter, but this is the one we subscribe to in the northern forest where fire and processing wood for fire is an everyday task. Is it the best knife for all environments under all circumstances? I have no idea. I can only speak to my experience.

Many times over the years I have been asked that if I could carry only one tool, what would it be? My response has always been, “What if there were no hypothetical questions?” I’m never going to play those silly games. I carry an axe and a knife, and in the winter a saw.

When considering what knife or tool kit to use, it is good to remember that no one cares about your knife or tool choices. They do, however, care what you can accomplish with it.

Some people dislike the plastic sheaths that come with the Mora blades. For the 106 specifically, a lot of people have been happy with this custom leather sheath from Petko Leathers available on Etsy and seen in the photo at the top of the page.

I still think the Mora Classic #2 is a great knife and a great choice. I have several of them. But as it has been a few years since I carried one myself I wanted to post an update on the topic. As always, you are free to bring and use whatever knife you want. But whatever knife you use, you should be skilled and safety conscious in its use. Remember, it is at least 95% the knife user and less than 5% the knife.


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