Respect And Old Fishing Lures

During a recent course we spent some time trout fishing.  When we were paddling across a remote lake I offered some of my lures to be trolled.  As I handed one of my treasured lures to a course participant, I told him the history of the lure, that I had bought it in 1981, that it had caught more trout than most people ever catch, and that I would miss it sorely if he lost it.  He laughted and said he could buy me another one if it were lost.  I replied that a new lure could never replace the old one.

He didn’t quite get the point I was making.  Money, and new lures, had nothing to do with it.  It was about respect.  It was about appreciation of the history of the lure and the experiences in which it had played a role.  It was about realizing that money, as a means of exchange, can’t buy everything.  To me, the things money can buy pale in comparison to the things it can’t.


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  • I love the look of old lures. I saw a demo at a country show two weeks ago and was told that the modern neon “blob” lure was more effective. It missed the point of using something beautiful to catch a beautiful animal

  • JMB

    Old lures are something I can’t get rid of. Other than the ones that were lost while fishing, I’ve never gotten rid of any of them. The lure I wrote about in the blog post I did lose once, for three days. Then I found it floating in the lake. Great point about using something beautiful to catch a beautiful animal.

  • It’s the difference between knowing the value rather than the price of things…a vital difference. You are spot on. Did he lose the lure?

  • JMB

    Thankfully he didn’t lose it. I love that line about the value vs. price.

  • Gordon from Scotland

    The lure within us is the value of the experience. The fishing lure is a symbol and reminder of those personal experiences and you asscribed it value because of that. That value is priceless amd can never be bought. You are a braver man than me, lending anyone that lure that means so much to you. A good mark to have on anyones character for god men are few and far between! I hope that person realised that!


  • I think it’s possible that a fish might hit a lure that’s no longer popular, just because he hasn’t seen it before.
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