Sad News – Rope Swing At Remote Camp Is No More

I received a piece of sad news and wanted to share it with our alumni. We were over at Scopan lake the other day working on paddling strokes and canoe rescue when two guys from the Maine Department of Conservation motored up to the launch. We talked for a few minutes about the lake and campsites, which they had been out working on. It was then that they informed me that the rope swing tree at one of our favorite camp sites hadn’t made it through the spring; it had died, fallen, and was laying in the water of the cove.

This campsite is beautiful, and the rope swing was absolutely amazing. A decade’s worth of Jack Mountain students have enjoyed the rope swing, some safely, some not. There were numerous occasions where I though I’d have to take a battered body out to the road in my canoe, but thankfully it never happened.

The photo above is of Michael from the fall of 2017, demonstrating an acrobatic release from the rope swing.

For anyone who is reading this who has been there, take a moment of silence for that old hemlock tree that held the rope swing.


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  • Diana Messner

    It is a sad time when an old friend falls. Perhaps a new tree will enter the time of JMB

  • It was an epic ropeswing. Hopefully we’ll find another one to replace it.

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