School Of The Forest Program At Squam Lake Science Center


We’re excited to hit the ground running with School Of The Forest this summer. We’re starting off with an outdoor living skills class at the Squam Lake Natural Science Center in Holderness New Hampshire, where we’ll be teaching one of their annual “Guided Discoveries” classes on outdoor living skills. The class will not only incorporate all the skills learned in a regular SOTF course, but also bring in live animal ambassadors from the science center to further the student’s understanding of the ecosystem and their place in it.

Kids ages ten to fourteen will get a hands-on experience learning to light fires and use them responsibly, build shelters and get a first hand look into the ecosystem they’re a part of with plant pressing, skimming ponds for invertebrates and all sorts of other skills for outdoors living. The week will culminate in a parent’s day, where the students invite their parents to come and see all they’ve learned over the week, including cooking them lunch over an open fire. We’re doing everything we can to make this class one that sets the stage for a lifetime of outdoor experiences for these kids.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check back in tomorrow when we’ll have some information about our partnership with G.A.L.A (Global Awareness, Local Action) a New Hampshire Based nonprofit that we’ll be running programs with.
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