Self Reliance And Celebrititus

carving with a crooked knife

I don’t care about the opinion of gurus, celebrities or famous people. I think that people’s devotion to them is a disease. I’ve heard it referred to as celebrititus.

Because someone is famous doesn’t mean they’re skilled in the bush, or as a bushcraft instructor, or good at anything else. I’ve met a few famous bushcraft instructors and authors. I’ve also met many folks who like to spend their days in the bush. And the ones that no one has heard of were often more skilled than those who have captured the public’s attention. So while people continue to talk and write about their heros they’ve seen on tv or whose book they’ve read, be aware that there are people out there doing it better that no one has ever heard of.

The point of bushcraft is self reliance. Hero worship has no place. Respect those who have inspired you through their work, but don’t let it go beyond that.

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