Kids need outlets in nature and time spent unplugged. When they do, great things happen. Things like this. What The Mountains Tell Me Every day I go on a hill To watch the mountains calm and still They tell me stories of climbers climbing them with pride Or little kids like you and me Dreaming [...]
During each field school program, we always take a few hours to visit the Ashland Logging Museum. It’s a great place to learn more about the woods life lived by loggers before the chainsaw and the logging road. There are replica cabins, a Lombard log hauler, a king’s pine, and numerous other items of interest. [...]
The book of poetry titled Pine Tree Ballads was published in 1902 and has some great pieces about the north woods of Maine. The Knight Of The Spike-Sole Boots by Holman Day tells the story of a sport who tried to run the Hulling Machine on the East Branch of the Penobscot River. I’ve run [...]