Wilderness Bushcraft Semester Final Student Papers

Wilderness Bushcraft Semester students who get college credit must write a final paper about their experience. I just received one from this fall’s semester course. If you’re curious about our programs, you should read it as it gives you the student’s persepctive on what we do.  The paper, as well as one from 2007, are posted here and on our Downloads And Articles page.


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  • Russ Venditto

    Thanks for the mention, Tim. I really enjoyed reading Nicole’s paper (even if she may have called me an apple-polisher); it’s interesting to see another student’s take on the course.

    Hope all’s going well for you.

  • Nicole Huwe

    Sorry, Russ. I just have that remark in there to provide a bit of flow. As you know, in the past student paper’s just sat on the JMBS website, they weren’t posted on facebook. I never expected that anyone other than the evaluator at Western was going to read my paper. I read your paper a few times before taking the course. It was part of the reason I decided to take Tim’s course and go for the credit through Western. As I stated in the paper, I was every bit as complimentary as you were. It would be fair to say that I’m an apple polisher too.

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