April 2010

Busy Early Spring

It’s been a busy early spring at the field school.  The road is impassable for the last half mile, but otherwise things are in great shape.  It’s been a lot of work getting everything ready for the spring semester, and I’m excited to be here. I’ll continue to be away from the web for the [...]

Away From The Web

I’ll be away from the web for a while as I drive across the country and look to get the field school set up with internet access.  I’ll post when I’m able to.  Have a great spring and get out there and grab life by the throat!

I added a new look to the JMB blog that makes it easier to make changes and customize.  If you don’t like the new look, it won’t last forever as I’ll be adding to it as I learn more about the software.  So far so good, but the best is yet to come.

“Toddlers ask many questions, and so do school children – until about grade three.  By that time many of them have learned an unfortunate fact, that in school, it can be more important for self-protection to hide one’s ignorance about a subject than to learn more about it, regardless of one’s curiosity.”    – Jan Hunt [...]

Paul Sveum wrote and recorded this song a few years ago.  It’s our unoffical theme song, and we’ve used it in a bunch of our videos.  In addition to being a talented musician and good friend, Paul is a first-class bushcraft instructor who has spent several years working with the students at Northland College in [...]

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Typos, Etc.
Anything that appears to be an error in spelling or grammar is actually the author’s clever use of the vernacular, and as such is not an error, but rather a carefully placed literary device demonstrating prodigious artistic prowess.

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