I took a bit of time away from updating the blog to get ready for my recent speaking gig in Dallas and to work on my advanced diaper changing technique, but am back again. My diaper changing duties are about to be put on hold as I’m packing for the trip from Texas to Maine [...]
May 2011
I’m a member of a hate group. Not any longer, but I was for a few hours. Someone added me to one on Facebook. I wasn’t aware that someone else could add you to a group without your consent, but one day I received 14 email updates from this group which alerted me that I [...]
The registration deadline for our summer and fall courses recently passed. We’ve done a poor job of communicating what this actually means. You can still register for all of our courses as long as the Registration Status on our calendar is Open. We started this system of registration deadlines years ago so that we knew [...]
There is a specific type of person who always has to have the last word. If you’ve done something, they claim to have done it bigger and better. And if they haven’t, they have a friend who has. When I was in college my friends and I knew a guy for whom this was his [...]

Is the whole survival thing a sham? Steve Rinella, host of the Travel Channel’s show The Wild Within says so about the made for TV survival episodes in an article in the May/June, 2011 issue of Mother Jones. Written by Brian Kevin and titled “Savage Love: How the larger-than-life bushmen of cable TV are creating [...]
Over the past few months a bunch of unfavorable occurences have taken place amongst my circle of friends. One friend lost a child, a friend’s father lost a leg, and another friend was diagnosed with spine cancer at age 39. I’m not writing this post looking for sympathy for a few bad months. I don’t [...]