2015: 11 Years Of Blogging, Post Number 1001

I started blogging in 2004, but that first blog was hacked in 2006 and all the posts deleted. I don’t know how many posts I had, but somebody thought it would be fun to delete them all, and they did. I started this blog in 2006, and this is post 1001. I had no idea when I started that I’d stick with it for this long, but looking back it has been worthwhile for me as a place to organize my ideas about a variety of topics. It’s a window into what I’m thinking at that time. If no one ever read it, it would still be worth it for me to write. But a lot of people have read it, and to them I say thank you.

Looking forward to the next thousand posts, I want to thank you for your attention. In a world full of things competing for it, it isn’t lost on me how valuable your attention is.


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  • Derek Faria

    Since i started reading your blog, I have waited patiently each time for the next, and sometimes, impatiently. Not only is there some knowledge to be gleamed from you writings, but they are typically fascinating and fun! Even the shortest of posts I tend to get something from. Maybe its a beautiful picture, or a funny phrase, or whatever. It helps shape my mind either for, or at the end of a day.
    Though I may be new to the JMBS, I can certainly appreciate the time and effort you put into what you do, for others.
    Congratulations on 1001 posts….and I’ll be here for the next 1000.

  • Thanks Derek. For the kind words and the friendship. I’m looking forward to our next outing.

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