7 Reasons To Attend The Snow Walkers Rendezvous

This weekend I’ll be venturing west of the Connecticut River to attend the Snow Walkers Rendezvous in Vermont. It’s a fantastic event, and one that should be on your calendar if you’re in the northeast and interested in winter camping and expeditions. Here are seven reasons why you should attend:  

  1. The Gear. Traditional canvas tents, tent stoves, sleds, and other gear you won’t see anywhere else.
  2. The Skills. There are skills-based workshops on a variety of topics. This year I’ll be teaching about nets and net bags. There are a bunch of experienced instructors teaching about a variety of topics.
  3. The People. There’s an incredible wealth of experience  in the people that attend. And people are friendly to newcomers.
  4. The Presentations. I’m always inspired hearing about the great trips people have been on, and the amazing work that’s done by this community. A few years ago I was chatting with a woman who I later learned had recently led the first all-female trip to the North Pole.
  5. The Food. The meals at the Hulbert Outdoor Center are fantastic.
  6. The Camaraderie. A whole weekend with people who share your interest of living out in the winter.
  7. The Books. Every year there’s a library set up in the main hall, and every year I return home with a different obscure title I have to acquire.  

Convinced you should go yet? Read more about the event and sign up at:



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