We’ve done really well over the years when it comes to publicity based on being listed in the top ten bushcraft or survival schools in the USA. It used to be magazines, now it’s blogs and online influencers. And they are all full of shit. This isn’t me being sour grapes because we were dissed. Quite the opposite. We have been benefitting from these lists for several decades. But even though we benefit, I think you deserve to know the truth about how such things work.
We have been in countless top ten or best of lists over the years. But not one of the people who put together these lists has ever been out here to see the place or kick the tires. They do the same things that we all do when researching something; search for it online. Then, based on a website and (maybe) a reputation, they assemble their list. While there is nothing wrong with this, it is completely superfluous. They don’t really add anything to the end result. But they do generate revenue for the site hosting the list, in the form of ad dollars and search engine rankings. This benefits them. It does not benefit the reader looking for unbiased information.
So, in a nutshell, don’t trust the online lists. In anything, really. Fake product reviews are as easily purchased as school reviews are easily made-up. It’s time we all go back to what used to work just fine; word of mouth. Ask around. Talk to people who have been there. Read actual reviews of people who have been there. Visit or talk with the instructors in-person if you can. And realize that if you’re looking for actual, unbiased information, often the internet is not your friend.