A Window To Someone Else’s World

Foliage from a canoe trip this fall.

The woods are white now, covered in snow. Watching the changing moods, the changing light of the natural world has been one of my lifelong passions. I work to become a better photographer in order to share what I see, but the images my eyes see are often not well-represented with what my camera sees. This image came from a mid-October trip on the St. Croix river, which is the border between Maine and New Brunswick. We spent a week on the river during peak foliage, and it was a feast for the eyes. But when you’re there doing it and living it, the tasks of the day will sometimes make you no longer see the beauty around you as to-do lists fill your brain with what you have to do, then what you have to do next.

I love sharing photos. And seeing photos shared. I think they are a window into other people’s worlds. Or, in this case, a window into a different time in my own world.


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  • Mary


    Your next door neighbor Tom loves photography and is quite the wiz at it. You two would have a blast sharing pictures. He loves natural photography as well.

  • Thanks Mary

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