Always Busy

There’s an attitude I’ve seen a few times that warrants mention because it will stop a person from becoming at home in the natural world. That attitude is busyness. For some a foray into the forest is a non-stop to do list without a break between projects. For some the constant stream of activity is a way to not have to be alone with the natural world. For others, it’s a way to avoid being alone with themselves.

To never slow down, I think, is a defense mechanism against the rhythms of nature. It’s imposing the frenetic pace of modern life onto a world that is slow. It’s good to be busy some of the time, and good to not be busy some of the time. The quiet moments, those that aren’t filled with activity, for me are the memorable ones when I really connect with my surroundings.

Don’t be afraid of quiet, or the slow pace of the natural world. Spend some quality time with yourself. Learn to quiet your mind as well as your body, and become at home in the world that surrounds you.

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