Announcing Our New Website: – The Rust Pond Retreat

After a recent post announcing upcoming lodge-based courses, a few of our readers contacted me wanting more information. Before I could provide it, I had to publish the new site about our camp for rent in New Hampshire where the courses will be based. I got it online today. More information on the lodge-based courses is coming in a few days. I’d have it up sooner, but will be spending the next few days scraping and braintanning deer hides. 

Announcing – The Rust Pond Retreat 

Four-Season Lakeside Lodging And Recreation On Rust Pond In Wolfeboro, NH

When you need to get away from it all, come to a quiet lake surrounded by woods and restore your balance.

Our three-story guest house is open and relaxing with a full kitchen, bathroom with shower (no tub), and a large sleeping area on the top floor with two twin beds and one queen bed. This is a perfect retreat for a couple or family with children. It’s designed for four people, but can accommodate up to five.  It also features a heated workshop and exercise room, large library, and wifi.

Have a look at the website and let me know what you think. Our goal is to share a comfortable, modern space with direct access to the natural world that’s ideal for families or small groups. We’ll be adding more photos and videos in the coming weeks.


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