I’m A Member Of A Hate Group

I’m a member of a hate group. Not any longer, but I was for a few hours. Someone added me to one on Facebook. I wasn’t aware that someone else could add you to a group without your consent, but one day I received 14 email updates from this group which alerted me that I had been added by someone. I quit the group right away. A few hours later someone added me to the group again, and I again quit. Not my favorite Facebook feature by a long shot. This was a few months ago, so maybe they’ve fixed that by now. My trust, however, has not been fixed.

My point? It takes time to build trust, but only a moment to lose it.  It’s an important point for people, and businesses, to remember.

Blog, Rants

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  • Jon Heffron

    Yes Tim Facebook is a crazy new world it has a ton of great points and a few bad points. I’m glad the idiot’s didn’t run you off.

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