Bushcraft And Winter Camping Program In Partnership With Addison Central Teens, Catamount Trail And The Vermont Huts Association

Last week school of the forest, the Vermont huts association, Addison Central Teens and The Catamount Trail Association partnered to bring seven kids out on a cross country skiing trip to one of the cabins that VT huts has made available to the public. Addison Central Teens provides a Teen Center and after-school alternatives that are welcoming, safe and fun for all teenagers in the community. Teens have a place to hang out as well as opportunities to plan and participate in activities, special events like our winter camping trip as well as doing community service at the Teen Center and throughout the community. Its a good cause, and one we’re glad to be able to help out with in some small way. The teens and I spent our time together on trail talking about winter ecology, basic outdoor living skills, and playing a lot of card games once the sun went down (most of which I lost). It was a really great experience for all involved, and I particularly enjoyed watching these young people slowly see the snow as an asset rather than something to tough out. Shelter building is always a fun experience for young people, but to see snow become insulating as it does in a quinzee never fails to impress them. If students walk away from our programs with a greater appreciation for how simple life outdoors can be, I think we’ve served our purpose.

Thanks again to the other organizations for helping make this possible.

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