Busy Week In Review

The last week has been busy around here.  We built our new cook shack (with the roof still to be completed), ran a full Summer Survival Weekend Course, and ran a private 2-day survival workshop.  Today will be the first day I’ve had a chance to write (and take a deep breath and sit still for two minutes).  The cook shack has turned out great.  Having a permanent home for our outdoor kitchen will simplify meal preparation and planning.  And it’s a beautiful little structure.  The Summer Survival Weekend Course went very well.  After a few days of heat, rain and oppressive humidity, the skies cleared when people arrived and we had perfect weather.  Everyone got along great and we were able to cover a wide variety of topics.    I also put together a simple bucket shower to complement the sunshowers in our new outdoor shower – I’ll post a how-to in the coming week.


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