Clear Weather And Video Updates

After a weekend of solid rain that included a birthday party for my 3-year-old son, a cold front came through last night and today is crisp, clear and windy. A perfect morning to weed the garden. Everything I put in this year is doing well, and all the rain has things growing at a fast pace. The strawberries are in full bloom, and the raspberries are starting to flower. Fruits follow the flowers, so it won’t be long until they’re forming. The vegetables are similarly doing well. I’ve got a bunch of chickweed growing in one of the beds, but instead of fighting it as a weed I’m eating it as a vegetable. That’s part of my philosophy of gardening – to eat what comes in rather than label it as a weed and fight it.

I’ve been changing our video page around a little, changing the name of our show to Jack Mountain Bushcraft Journal and consolidating everything into one channel and rss feed. As the summer course gets going I’m planning on adding new video regularly, as well as get some of our older videos on the web. So stay tuned for more as it’s coming soon.


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Anything that appears to be an error in spelling or grammar is actually the author’s clever use of the vernacular, and as such is not an error, but rather a carefully placed literary device demonstrating prodigious artistic prowess.

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