Expedition-Learning Program For Young Men

I’ve been thinking for several years about putting together an expedition-style course for young men where we’d spend three or four weeks in the north woods canoeing and living outdoors.  It would be a similar, although less rigorous, curriculum that we use in our college semester programs, with a focus on academic subjects such as botany, zoology, meteorology, astronomy, anthropology, and communications.  The trick with these is to make them fun and interesting, which we have  a lot of experience doing.  We’d also cover more fun-sounding topics such as fishing, camping, canoeing and swimming.  It’s still a few years off, but coming soon.  My timing is guided by my 5-year old son.  When he’s old enough, we’ll be doing it.  So if you have a son around the same age and would be interested in this type of program in a few years, let us know.

During our first decade the guiding force behind our programs was to create courses we’d like to take.  As we enter our second decade, that focus has shifted slightly to include programs where our kids would learn and have fun.

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