Gear List Additions For Spring: Metal Coffee Can For A Smudge Pot

smudge pot

If you are coming to the field school from late May through mid-July, you’re going to want to have a smudge pot. These are metal cans in which you keep a smokey fire going to deter the bugs.

Now is the time to start preparing for this need by getting a metal coffee can, which is what we make smudge pots out of. In our neck of the woods, the only coffee that still comes in a metal can is Chock Full O Nuts. We get the 30 oz (or so) can, the big one. It isn’t the best coffee I’ve had, nor it is the worst, but the can will be worth it’s weight in gold to you when the bugs get active. So be on the lookout for a metal coffee can or two now so you have enough time to drink all that coffee so it will be empty when you need it.
Although I’ve never used one I have seen metal paint cans for sale at the building supply place, and I guess one of these would also make a functional smudge pot. Maybe we’ll have to experiment with one this year.

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