Global Awareness, Local Action Has A New Board Member

I’ve been elected to the board of directors of GALA, which stands for Global Awareness, Local Action. It’s a local organization focusing on sustainability and local issues. We’ve worked together for the past year by offering sustainability workshops on such topics as composting, raised bed gardens, winemaking, local edible and medicinal plants, and more.

The GALA website is a work in progress, but will soon be home to a bunch of useful tools to help people connect and work together. From the website:

G.A.L.A. is a nonprofit organization based off the eastern shore of Lake Winnepesaukee in Wolfeboro, NH. In a nutshell, G.A.L.A. has been developed to improve quality of life within the means of nature. Our goal, in other words, is to increase social capital while reducing ecological impact. This broad mission is met with a diverse mosiac of community projects and initiatives.

For starters, G.A.L.A. invites people to learn about issues of environmental and social concern in a supportive and respectful atmosphere. We create this space within the context of Study Circles, Film Screenings, Theme Potlucks, etc. But G.A.L.A. is more than that . . .

For the experiential learner, G.A.L.A. offers a sustainability workshop series on basic homesteading techniques like composting, sourdough baking, canning, utilizing renewable energy, biofuel production, wool spinning, wine making, native foraging, and bioregion education. These workshop are designed to help empower people to become more locally self-reliant in a way that is fun, practical, and meaningful.

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