Today is the official halfway mark on the spring semester; 4.5 weeks down, 4.5 weeks to go. In some ways our 9-week semester seems to pass in the blink of an eye. In others, it seems to last for years. So far this specific course has been flying by leaving me wondering where the time has gone. When the cause is working hard toward our shared goals every day, that is the effect.
We’re celebrating halfway day with a massive breakfast cooked by the instructors consisting of several dozen eggs, 5 pounds of bacon, local potatoes fried in the bacon grease and enough strong coffee to wash it all down. On a cold morning (we had a hard frost again last night and woke to a quarter inch of ice in the cook pots) such a high-calorie breakfast will raise body temperatures and help to get everyone moving.
The second half of our long programs is where they really shine for me. Everyone knows the routines, has basic skills down, and the group has come together to work as a team. It allows us to really dial in on the specifics without much time spent on setting up or keeping people sorted out. For example, we can take off on a foraging hike with a few moments notice, instead of people having to run all over camp because they forgot something in their tent or in their car. We’re more efficient, and can focus on getting things done.
Our community of guide trainees has come a long way in a short time, but there is a lot of ground to cover yet.