Hit By Lightning

Ten days ago we got hit by lightning. It zapped the inverter to our off-grid solar power system. It’s only today that I’ve got a new inverter installed and have some stored sunlight to post with.

It was near the end of the Bushman course and there were strong afternoon thunderstorms. We had retreated to the safety of the Guide Shack while they blew over, when a bright flash momentarily blinded us. At the exact same instant we saw the light, we heard the thunder. There was no sound delay. When confronted with the power of a lightning storm, it’s easy to feel small.

Later that day I went to power up the inverter, but it was fried. Now I don’t have any proof that the lightning hit us and killed the inverter, but for it to die during that storm is hard for me to count as a coincidence.

Got a bigger inverter this time around, and am wiring it with fuses. It’s good to have power back. Happy fourth of July, everyone.



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  • Dave

    Thunderstorms can be an awesome thing to behold, but that’s a little to close for me.

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