How To Become A Popular Bushcraft Blogger And Make Viral Videos

I know What It Takes To Get A Lot Of Views. I’m Just Not Interested In Doing It

I’ve been blogging, shooting videos, podcasting, etc., for more than 15 years. In that time, I’ve learned about what makes a popular post. I think I know what it takes to go viral and get a bunch of views/likes/etc. But I’m not interested in producing that kind of content.

Posts about gear get the most views. Posts about the celebrity darlings of the outdoor world get the second most. Posts demonstrating stuff in a how-to fashion get the third most. Post that discuss ideas and educational philosophy get very few.

We don’t get paid by number of views. Unlike youtube channels and blogs that sell advertising, our business model does not revolve around things getting a lot of views. Instead of making a video about what knife to carry that gets thousands of views, I’d rather make something I care about, even if it only gets 7 views.

You’ll know I’ve thrown in the towel and sold out when I start doing unboxing videos about gear and comparison blog posts about different knives. Until then, I’m happy to keep producing stuff only a few people are interested in, as long as one of those people is me. Run your own race.

Blog, Educational Philosophy

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  • Michael

    Tim, I used to follow some other “bushcraft ” folks, but after reading your blogs, and especially after watching your philosophy video…something about “I have LIVED”, really spoke to me ….and you did not even try to tell me the best knife or bushcrafting pants to go and buy…just get out and live…I look forward to being able to come up to Maine and learning with y’all, but until then I will continue to enjoy and the great content found there…also, thank you for your support of our military veterans…nature and outdoor skills are a great healer…Thank you.

  • Thank you Michael.

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