I've said this before, it's cool to be written up in the media, but when your friends and colleagues say it, it means that much more

I've said this before, it's cool to be written up in the media, but when your friends and colleagues say it, it means that much more. The incomparable fellow Maine Guide Tom Jamrog wrote a flattering bit about me and Lou Falank at Snow Walkers on his blog. Tom is a big reason why you should attend next year's Snow Walkers' Rendezvous.

Snow Walker’s Rendezvous – welcome to winter 2014
Last weekend, I attended the Snow Walker’s Rendezvous in Vermont . I experienced the weekend through a new lens-through the eye of a newly Registered Maine Guide. Other Maine Guides were in attend…


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  • Derek Faria

    Excellent write up, and well deserved of course.
    I have been all over the JMBS website for a few years now. I have spoken to Tim on numerous occasions over the phone, text and email, and just recently started spending some time around him. My full time job limits the time I have drastically, but it is only a matter of time before I head to the Maine woods for some training with him.
    I have run my own school now for the past 3 years, and have instructed and guest instructed at others. I recommend the JMBS to ALL of my students when they come through as I believe it is the TOP school in the country for learning outdoor skills. There are many other schools out there that will test your limits of survival and put you into controlled situations to test yourself. Though that has some merit as well, no other school is teaching or has the curriculum that JMBS does.
    I am eager for the day I get to travel more North and get some training from IMHO, the best there is out there.
    Again, excellent article and its good to see others give the respect that is earned.

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