January 7th: Annual Woodsman Wild Game Dinner

Wild Brook Trout

Start the new year off right with the annual wild game dinner hosted by our friends at The Woodsman School. Located in Wakefield, NH, a short drive from the seacoast. I’ll be in attendance and hope to meet some new friends there.

If you’ve ever wanted to start eating wild game, this is a great first step. Having sampled their cooking on numerous occasions, Derek and Sharon are both fantastic cooks. From their site:

Meal menu includes:

Fish chowder
Venison chili
Turkey stew

Venison steaks and mashed taters
Stalkers pie (a shephards pie with venison)
Bear meat shephards pie
Turkey roulades (turkey with a sausage stuffing wrapped in bacon)
White perch fish fry

Adult beverages for a donation

Only $30 for a great night out, 2 spots remain. More information and to sign up:

Woodsman Annual Game Dinner (link)

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