Learning, Brain Science And Exercise

We’ve had some great discussions about how the brain works in the learning process as part of our ongoing online course on becoming an instructor.  One aspect that we’ve only touched on briefly is the role of exercise in the learning process.  To simplify a complex subject into a soundbite, exercise is good for your brain and will help you learn.  But don’t take my word for it – watch and listen to Dr. John Ratey, the author of a book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain.

First, check out Dr. Rated on the Brain Science Podcast where he discusses his book and other related topics:

Brain Science Podcast #33: Exercise And The Brain

Second, watch this YouTube video where Dr. Ratey presents his ideas to the folks at Google for their Authors@Google series.

Authors@Google – Dr. John Ratey

I’ve often quipped that Jack Mountain Bushcraft’s courses have been my educational laboratory over the years.  I’ve watched the role exercise plays in learning, and while I’ve only recently delved into the brain science behind it, I’ve seen the positive impacts it has on learning.  If you teach in any capacity, you’ll be well-served to familiarize yourself with Dr. Ratey’s work.

Educational Philosophy

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  • Steven Hanton

    I have read the book ‘Spark…’ after you highlighted it, and I can confirm that its a wonderfully informative and inspiring read. In an age where we seem to over-complicate everything, its nice to know that a fundamental part of being human- moving, is still so crutial and beneficial.

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