Lower Canyons of the Rio Grande, Texas Canoe Expedition: March 16-24

Rio Grande

We’re currently in the planning stages of a canoe trip through the Lower Canyons of the Rio Grande river along the Texas/Mexico border. A few friends did this several years ago, and I’m really excited about it. We’ve got dates on the calendar for mid-March, and we’re currently looking at shuttles, prepping gear, etc. I have never canoed a desert river and am looking forward to seeing some new country and learning some new skills. There are some distinct differences from the systems and gear perspectives compared to our usual paddling destinations of Maine and Canada. The two that come to mind first are toilet systems and fire systems. As I go through the process of preparing for the trip, I’m sure I will discover more.

This will be a private trip, and participants are all alumni of our program. Part of the fun of any new expedition is in the lead-up to it. Studying maps, going through gear and systems, planning a menu, etc., all add to the anticipation. If I like it as much as I’m anticipating, it may be on the calendar as an open enrollment trip in 2025.

The photo at the top is of two friends who did this trip a few years ago. For more information on the trip and some amazing photos, check out this national park service web page.


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