Never Stop Learning

I’m a lifelong learner. Even as I’m sliding through middle age, I still get excited about learning new things. Each year I like to take a course or two to increase what I know and because I find it enjoyable. I like to seek out experienced instructors, because when I’m taking a course I’m learning how other people deliver information and manage the time of the participants, which is as interesting and valuable to me as the course content.

In 2016 I took a level 1 & 2 archery instructor course with Kyle Bissell at Amherst Archery Academy. Last year I spent several days on the water with Nate Hanson of Pinniped Kayak doing a sea kayak skill development course. Last weekend I took a white water rescue course with Jeremy Hargreaves at Northeast Whitewater. All of these courses were great; I learned a lot about each of the topics and also a lot from each of the instructors. All three are highly recommended.

About the white water rescue course specifically, because it’s fresh in my mind, Jeremy had us swimming rapids and running scenarios for two days. The skill and confidence you develop by doing things are orders of magnitude greater than reading about it in a book.

Continued learning teaches you new things and keeps what you know from getting stale. Your brain is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

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Anything that appears to be an error in spelling or grammar is actually the author’s clever use of the vernacular, and as such is not an error, but rather a carefully placed literary device demonstrating prodigious artistic prowess.

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