Poling The Saco And A Breakdown In Human-Porcupine Relations

Today we’re off to pole and fish the upper Saco river. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, and although brisk, the water will still be warm enough for a midday swim. I’m bringing my fly rod and the video camera, so hopefully we’ll shoot some footage that will make it into this week’s Bushcraft Journal. We’ll also be well-supplied to pour plaster casts of the tracks we see along the river.

Yesterday Pepe the porcupine was seen approaching some bow staves with an intent to gnaw. As a result, I chased him across the road and told him to stay in the woods. If you’re trying to picture the chase in your mind’s eye, imagine a man walking slowly behind a lumbering porcupine. It was anything but high-speed. Hopefully he’ll move on and not start chewing our projects or we could be forced to take more drastic action.

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