St. Croix River Poling Trip 2019 Video

Tim Beal of the Downeast Primitive Skills youtube channel shot this video on our recent trip on the St. Croix. We had an amazing time; great guys, great food, great water level, great weather (except for the bomb-cyclone day) and a lot of great laughs. Hope you enjoy it!


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  • Larry Balchen

    Hi Tim,
    Imagine my surprise when I started watching my good friend Tim Beal’s video and who do I see but you! Ha! Very cool. Tim’s a great guy and one of my coconspirators in assorted bushcraft stuff, looking forward to hearing about the trip from him first hand. I’d hoped to make your Rendezvous but had a lot of issues I had to deal with. If you do it again next year I’d be very keen to attend.
    All the best,
    Larry Balchen

  • Hi Larry, Thanks for the comment. It was a great trip and great video. Let’s touch base sometime soon.

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