Tim Beal of the Downeast Primitive Skills youtube channel shot this video on our recent trip on the St. Croix. We had an amazing time; great guys, great food, great water level, great weather (except for the bomb-cyclone day) and a lot of great laughs. Hope you enjoy it!
St. Croix River Poling Trip 2019 Video

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Hi Tim,
Imagine my surprise when I started watching my good friend Tim Beal’s video and who do I see but you! Ha! Very cool. Tim’s a great guy and one of my coconspirators in assorted bushcraft stuff, looking forward to hearing about the trip from him first hand. I’d hoped to make your Rendezvous but had a lot of issues I had to deal with. If you do it again next year I’d be very keen to attend.
All the best,
Larry Balchen
Hi Larry, Thanks for the comment. It was a great trip and great video. Let’s touch base sometime soon.