Surviving The Elements Article In The Bangor Daily News

BDN Cover

There’s an article featuring Jack Mountain in the Bangor Daily News spring 2018 spring/summer special section outdoors magazine. The article, titled “The Survivor: Deep in the Maine woods, Tim Smith teaches others to survive in the wild”, gives a brief overview of what we do and has enough philosophical nuggets to make it interesting. The author, Matthew Chabe, spent a day with us at the field school this past winter, and did a great job capturing the essence of the woods life without the sensationalism often assigned to all things “survival”.

The special section outdoors magazine is available for free wherever they sell the Bangor Daily News (most of Maine) until mid-summer.

Our own Christopher Russell is on the cover, for which he now owns the moniker ‘cover model’.

Here’s a link to the article.

Here’s a link to the digitally-reproduced print version.

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