Time Is Short

Over the past few months a bunch of unfavorable occurences have taken place amongst my circle of friends. One friend lost a child, a friend’s father lost a leg, and another friend was diagnosed with spine cancer at age 39.

I’m not writing this post looking for sympathy for a few bad months. I don’t want it, so don’t give it. I’m writing it to encourage you to take control of your life, get in the driver’s seat and grab the wheel with both hands. Don’t wait to be offered control of your life because it will never happen. You have to take it. We don’t have a lot of time here, certainly not enough time to put off what we truly want to accomplish.

If you’ve been holding back from embarking on that paddling trip you’ve always wanted to take, or that fishing trip, or that tour of Europe, or hiking the Appalachian Trail, or starting a business, or making a major life change, do it. Even if your plan is less dramatic such as asking for a promotion, dedicating more time to your kids, writing the book you’ve been thinking about, or taking up a new hobby, do it. Make a bold move. The clock is ticking and you never know when your time will run out.  The only certainty is that it will run out.

A year from now, do you want to passively say that 12 months have passed and you’re another year closer to death (if all goes well)? Or would you rather stand up, throw back your shoulders and say, in no uncertain terms, that you have LIVED a year. You won’t get the year back, regardless of which choice you make.  Choose well.


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