What I’m Working On

Now that I’m back from the woods, I wanted to let regular readers know what I’m working on.

  • First, I’m putting together our 2011 schedule.  I’m still waiting to hear about several non-bushcraft events I need to plan around, but as soon as I get the information on them I’ll be posting our new schedule.
  • I’m putting the finishing touches on our new Journeyman Guide And Bushcraft Instructor Certification Program.  Details will be available in a week or so.
  • I’m putting together a second edition of our cookbook, Bush Cookery; adding a bunch of photos, new recipes, and other how-to information.
  • Finishing my new book, “The Simple Little Wilderness Survival Book.”  It will be small and concise, without any filler.  The goal: give you what you need to get by in a pinch in the north woods.
  • Launching our email newsletter.  If you’ve joined our list, expect to hear from us early next week.
  • Family time.  Spending time with my wife and kids.  It’s important to note that the skills of using an axe well are not so different from changing diapers: focus, timing, and flow.

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