Broken Knife Blade
Gear breaks or fails. It happens. If you’re prepared for it the consequences can be minimized. I prepare for it by bringing a back-up on trips. If something is crucial to my well-being in the bush I either have, or am prepared to make, another. How do you prepare for it?
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How many knives, Mora or otherwise, have you broken, and is there any one task that seems to bring about their early demise more than others?
I’ve broken two Mora knives, both in the last five years. The one in the picture and another one with a plastic handle. Both were broken when batoning. The one in the picture I wasn’t hitting it that hard, but the other one I was. I haven’t broken any other knives, but I have seen many people lose their knives on remote trips.
I love my mora and always have a spare. But I also carry a small axe or my Ka-Bar so I don’t have to baton it. Thanks for sharing Tim.