When Gear Fails

Broken Knife Blade

Broken Knife Blade

Gear breaks or fails.  It happens.  If you’re prepared for it the consequences can be minimized.  I prepare for it by bringing a back-up on trips.  If something is crucial to my well-being in the bush I either have, or am prepared to make, another.  How do you prepare for it?


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  • How many knives, Mora or otherwise, have you broken, and is there any one task that seems to bring about their early demise more than others?

  • I’ve broken two Mora knives, both in the last five years. The one in the picture and another one with a plastic handle. Both were broken when batoning. The one in the picture I wasn’t hitting it that hard, but the other one I was. I haven’t broken any other knives, but I have seen many people lose their knives on remote trips.

  • Marc Hallee

    I love my mora and always have a spare. But I also carry a small axe or my Ka-Bar so I don’t have to baton it. Thanks for sharing Tim.

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