Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester Completed For 2024

Poling practice on a remote stretch of river

It was a challenging four weeks, but we’ve come to the end of the 2024 Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester. We covered a lot of miles, passed on the traditions of Maine Guide expedition canoeing, watched people grow, watched friendships flourish, and had a lot of cheap laughs in beautiful places along the waterways of northern Maine. Small groups in remote places facing challenges together, becoming a team and helping one another achieve shared goals, this is the special sauce of the Jack Mountain Bushcraft School. This was our 61st long term program (and our 25th year). I was fortunate to have two capable and experienced guides working with me, and we were all fortunate that the water levels held on until the end of the course after very little rain all spring. I’ve got a bunch of video to sift through and post, as well as an upcoming expedition on the Gaspé peninsula of Quebec, not to mention a 9-week course to prepare for, but today I’m going to relax, fire up the smoker for a long cook, and enjoy the feeling of a job completed.


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