Wilderness First Aid Course Added To Wilderness Bushcraft Semester Curriculum

fungi used as a bandage

Beginning in 2025, we’re adding a 2-day Wilderness First Aid course to the curriculum of the 9-week Wilderness Bushcraft Semester. This will allow WBS students who are interested in testing for their registered Maine guide licence to do so without having to chase down an outside first aid and cpr class. It also will give them valuable training with regard to what to do when medical care is needed.

These courses (1 in the spring, 1 in the fall) will also be open to the general public on a space-available basis. This means that if you’re interested in taking a wilderness first aid course in northern Maine, you can take it with us. Dates for 2025 are on our calendar.

This photo was taken during the 2024 Maine Guide Medic course, and shows an improvised bandage made from a common fungus and held on with a green stick wrap. Part of the Maine Guide Medic course included using mother nature’s resources to manage backcountry medical situations.


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