Wilderness Semester And Yearlong Immersion Components

I was speaking with someone on the phone about our residential programs this morning, and as a result of the conversation I wanted to clarify some points about our long-term programs.

Our Earth Skills Semester Programs and the Yearlong Immersion Program are made up of seven different courses that combine together to build a cohesive whole.

1. First, it’s an immersion into bushcraft, survival and traditional wilderness skills.

2. Second, it’s an intense naturalist training program where we study the weather, the night sky, the plants, the fungi, the mammals, the fish, the insects, the birds, and the reptiles and amphibians.

3. Third, it’s a course in crafting and building traditional outdoor gear, with projects increasing in difficulty as the course progresses.

4. Fourth, it’s a living study of permaculture and homesteading where students participate in living simply on the land and working to make their impact positive.

5. Fifth, it’s a traditional wilderness travel experience, where we spend a significant amount of time learning the skills and living the lifestyle of bush travel.

6. Sixth, it’s a guide training course where students learn the skills of the professional wilderness guide.

7. Seventh, it’s a study of harvesting wild game through fishing, trapping and hunting, and harvesting wild edible plants through foraging.

There are also other, optional aspects that some people participate in and others don’t. These include shooting and editing professional-quality video and mentoring for the entrepreneur looking to start his or her own business, amongst others.

Hopefully that eliminates some questions about what we do in our programs.


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