The last few winters I have taken some time away from the web and the website around the holidays. This year I extended it through the whole month of January. It was good to take a break and reboot, but now I’m ready to jump back in.
Taking time away gives me the perspective to look at what we’re doing to see if we’re still headed in the direction we want to go. Some things I thought about over the break are our continued participation in corporate social media, the types of programs I want to be running moving forward (long vs. short term) and how to organize my day to day life in order to be as productive as possible. More on these topics to come.
As for this year, we’ve got a full calendar and there are still a few more summer programs to be added to it. Our first program of the year is the Boreal Winter Survival Instructor course, which starts in a week. Then I’ll be off to Texas to run the lower Pecos River, before heading north again for an early start to the Wilderness Bushcraft Semester in April. As always, if you have any questions about what we do, get in touch.