Tim Smith
Mar 30, 2020
Have you joined our online community at BushcraftSchool.com yet? We’re currently live with our weather understanding and observational forecasting course and adding a lesson every day. We are also about to add a few more online courses. We’ve pushed our spring semester back a few weeks due to the virus, and as such should have [...]
Tim Smith
Mar 27, 2020
If you’re stuck home with your kids, eventually someone will need a haircut. I’ve been cutting my own for a long time and it’s no big deal. When I don’t cut my own hair, I have a Hollywood stylist do it. It costs $850 each time, but it’s worth it. I figure it’s just the [...]
I’ve been thinking about these last few weeks as “the worldwide solo”. The current pandemic is forcing people to spend time with themselves, and if there’s a good side to this situation, that time for self-reflection and introspection is it. All of our courses have a solo aspect, and it happens in two parts. First, [...]
Tim Smith
Mar 26, 2020
We’re offering a free online course during the coronavirus shut down in our digital learning space at BushcraftSchool.com. It’s the same 30-day course we run during our semester programs. It’s a minimal time commitment, maybe 15 minutes per day, with the intended learning outcome that you will learn something useful about the weather and be [...]
Tim Smith
Mar 24, 2020
Introduction to our new online course. Nature 191: Understanding The Weather & Observational Forecasting.
Tim Smith
Mar 11, 2020
As a safety precaution amid the ongoing expansion of the Coronavirus, the Wilderness Paddlers Gathering scheduled for this weekend in Vermont has been cancelled. As a result I’ll be staying home and working on a new pack basket mold.
Tim Smith
Mar 3, 2020
We were recently written up in Outdoor Life magazine in an article by Tim MacWelch titled The 10 Best Survival Schools for Hunters and Anglers. It’s always nice to be listed amongst the industry leaders, especially when it’s in a magazine I used to read as a kid. Often articles of this sort are written [...]
Tim Smith
Mar 2, 2020
We’re six weeks out from the start of the Wilderness Guide Training Semester. I’ve been busy making preparations all morning for clearing our road, fixing the roof on the cook shed and getting the stove pipe operational, etc. April is a tough month at the field school, so getting the details in order will help [...]